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Protect What Matters

Rest easy knowing that if the unexpected happens, we've got you covered with the right mix of life, health, and income protection insurance options. We provide honest, expert advice to guide you in choosing the best insurance solutions for you, your family, and your business.

Protect Your Loved Ones

Life Insurance policies pay a lump sum to your loved ones if you pass away or are diagnosed with a terminal illness, so they can handle bills, pay off debts, and manage income gaps. Using industry leading software, we can work out how much cover you need to maintain your family's lifestyle if you’re no longer around. We'll look at debts, mortgage or rent payments, education expenses, and everyday living costs to get it right. Comparisons are made using independent research alongside our product knowledge.

Protect Your Health

Health insurance (also known as Private Medical Insurance) provides you with valuable options for managing your health and well-being. Enabling you or your family members to skip long waitlists for specialist medical treatments, surgeries and more, it can be one of the fastest ways to a speedy recovery. Cover can also be added for non-PHARMAC funded medicines. We’ll help you choose the right type and level of health insurance cover based on your health history, lifestyle, family situation, and age and stage in life.

Protect Your Income

Wherever you are in your career, securing your income is a smart choice - especially if you’re supporting loved ones. If you get sick or injured and your family's financial well-being is on the line, income protection, trauma and disability insurance policies in.

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Income protection insurance provides you with a regular income to cover your everyday expenses if you get sick or injured, resulting in you being unable to work for a while.

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Disability insurance provides a lump sum payment if you become permanently disabled and unable to work again. You can use this money however you wish – for medical bills, mortgage repayments, or even an investment!

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Trauma Insurance provides a lump sum payment if you’re diagnosed with certain medical conditions. Like disability insurance, you can choose to spend the payment however you wish.

Protect your business

As a business owner, key individuals are crucial for your company's success. Providing insurance cover for these people is a smart move to keep your business financially secure in case of unexpected events while you navigate contingency plans.

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Key person insurance can protect your business against financial disruptions and setbacks associated with replacing an existing shareholder should an event occur.

Company Shareholder Buy-Sell Insurance add remove

Company shareholder buy-sell insurance ensures the seamless transfer and distribution of shares between surviving shareholders if a shareholder in your company dies or becomes permanently disabled.

Protect your employees

Take care of your biggest asset - your people! We offer attractive group insurance deals for workplaces looking to protect their employees with attractive life, health and income protection insurance options. By securing a group deal, you’ll be contributing to your employees financial well-being, while showcasing your commitment as their employer! We also offer workplace KiwiSaver and financial planning options. Check out our packages to learn more.

Book A Free Discovery Session

All Blue Canoe packages include a complimentary, no-obligation discovery session. Book yours to start planning today!

Find us at Level 14, 22 Willeston Street, Wellington, 6011
Contact Hans: 027 230 1045
Contact Isaac: 027 339 0879
Or email us:

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